Learn more about the providers at Texas Spine and Scoliosis, the only spine specialized neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, and non-surgical rehabilitation group in the central Texas area.
Amanda is an active middle school teacher. She often demonstrates different exercises to her students during her PE classes. One of the recreational activities Amanda enjoys most is power lifting— which in time can take a toll on even the strongest athlete.
After a weight lifting workout earlier this year, Amanda experienced excruciating back pain along with neck pain. It was difficult to even get out of bed the next morning.
Click here or select the image to the above to read more about Amanda's successful return to activity with injection therapy performed by Dr. Lee Moroz.
Tilden is a circuit bareback rider who started competing at the age of 15 following in the footsteps of his father. He was the 2007 PRCA Bareback Rookie of the year and subsequently qualified for the National Finals Rodeo three times by the age of 24. As one can imagine, bareback riding is a challenging sport that can be very taxing on the body.
Several years ago Tilden began experiencing pain in his neck that radiated into his right arm. Initial treatment included physical therapy under the direction of Shawn Scott, DC where Tilden learned specific exercises to help manage his symptoms. The non-surgical care provided initial relief but the symptoms eventually returned and intensified to include numbness and weakness in the right arm.
Click here or select the image to the above to read more about Tilden's successful return to activity after Dr. Stokes performed surgery to relieve pressure from a severe herniated disc.
As a financial services executive and physically active wife and mom with young children, Kelli doesn’t have much time to slow down.
When she began experiencing pain in her arm and neck a few years ago, Kelli wasn’t overly concerned. However, as months and years passed, she also noticed reduced range of motion in her left shoulder and numbness in her hand and arm. “I just didn’t feel right,” Kelli remembers, “I was not able to do as much at yoga and didn’t ski as often.”
Click here or select the image to the left to read more about Kelli's successful return to activity after Dr. Stokes performed surgery to remove a spinal tumor.
Click here to watch as Kelli describes her successful return to activity after surgery to removal a spinal tumor.
Shelley started having severe lower back pain and muscle spasms in December 2011. “It felt like a lightning strike to my spine.” The symptoms were intermittent, they would come and go. “Nearly every night I would wake up with the horrible pain,” Shelley remembers.
She went to her orthopedic surgeon to find out the cause of her problem. The surgeon referred her to a spine specialist. After her visit with the specialist, it still wasn’t clear what was causing her symptoms. Meanwhile, Shelley continued to experience the sudden and severe lower back pain symptoms. She was afraid to leave the house because she never knew when the symptoms would return. Her daughter learned about Dr. Enrique Pena at Texas Spine and Scoliosis in Austin. Shelley wanted desperately to return to her normal lifestyle — so she made an appointment with Dr. Pena.
Click here or select the image to the left to read more about Shelley's successful return to activity after visiting Dr. Pena and Dr. Stokes at Texas Spine and Scoliosis in Austin.
Kip doesn’t let much slow him down. When not busy with his successful career as a real estate developer, Kip enjoys spending time with his seven grandchildren as well as outdoor activities such as hunting, skiing and golfing.
About three years ago, Kip began having pain in his low back and buttocks, which also radiated into his legs. His symptoms were dull and sporadic at first, but as time went by, the pain worsened and became more persistent. While anti-inflammatories helped to temporarily relieve his pain, simple activities such as walking were becoming very painful.
Click here or select the image to the left to read more about Kip's successful return to activity after being diagnosed with spondylolisthesis and lumbar stenosis.
Kathy began experiencing excruciating pain in her back that radiated into her leg at Christmas time. She also had weakness and numbness into her leg. “It was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. I wasn’t able to stand for more than a minute or two,” she remembers.“It was like hot electricity running through your body.” Soon Kathy was bedridden, but unable to sleep because of her symptoms.
Not only did her pain remain, it worsened, so Kathy made an appointment with Dr. John Stokes, a fellowship-trained neurosurgeon at Texas Spine and Scoliosis. During her visit an MRI confirmed that she had a herniated disc. Dr. Stokes discussed with Kathy her treatment options, including a new minimally-invasive surgery known as the YESS procedure.
Click here or select the image to the left to read more about Kathy's successful return to activity after the YESS Procedure.
Taylor enjoys cheerleading, horseback
riding and spending time with
her friends and family.
She was diagnosed with scoliosis atage 12 during a school exam. Her parents, Angela and Harry, took her to an orthopedic doctor near their Houston home. While at the appointment, X-rays revealed a 19° spinal curve. The doctor fitted Taylor with a Boston Brace to help stop the curve progression.
She wore the brace for eight months. “When I was in the Boston Brace, I became sort of the ‘brace girl’ I guess,” said Taylor. “I would have to wear baggy clothes over the brace so no one would know.”
Unfortunately, Taylor’s curve continued to worsen during bracing — follow-up X-rays revealed a 32° curve. Taylor also tried physical therapy for several months, but therapy didn’t stop the progression either.
Click here or select the image to the left to read more about Taylor's successful return to activity after the Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery performed by Dr. Geck.
Libby was diagnosed at an early age
with a slight spinal curve. At first her doctor
suggested watchful waiting. Her parents, Lisa
and Leonard, kept a close eye on any changes
to her spine. For the most part, her curve did
not interfere with an active lifestyle. A few of
her favorite activities include track, gymnastics
and cheerleading.
Over the years, Libby and her parents tried a number of non-surgical treatment options, including bracing. Unfortunately, Libby's curve continued to worsen. Libby's parents learned of Dr. Matthew Geck, a fellowship trained spine and scoliosis surgeon at Texas Spine and Scoliosis in Austin, Texas and scheduled an appointment.
Click here or select the image to the left to read more about Libby's successful return to activity after the Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery performed by Dr. Geck.
Stephanie is an active teenager
who enjoys dancing and hanging out
with her friends. Like most teenagers,the idea of slowing down because of a
spinal deformity like scoliosis was not
at all appealing. Neither was the fact
that her spinal curve was worsening.
Stephanie was first diagnosed with scoliosis at the age of 14. Her physician first tried conservative options, which included watchful waiting. As time went by, however, Stephanie’s curve worsened significantly to 41 degrees. Stephanie’s physician then referred her to Dr. Matthew Geck, a fellowship trained spine surgeon at Texas Spine and Scoliosis in Austin, Texas.
Click here or select the image to the left to read more about Stephanie's successful return to activity after the Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery performed by Dr. Geck.
Lindsay has always enjoyed staying active; some of her favorite activities are playing soccer and running.
While in middle school, Lindsay was diagnosed with scoliosis. Because of her young age and the degree of the curve, her family doctor suggested watchful waiting. However, one year later, her spinal curve had worsened noticeably. Her doctor then suggested bracing to help prevent additional curving.
Unfortunately, Lindsay’s spinal curve continued to progress beyond skeletal maturity and was at 54 degrees. At that point, Lindsay, age 19, and her parents knew surgery would likely be necessary to correct her curve.
Click here to learn how Anita, Lindsay's mom, learned of minimally invasive scoliosis surgery, and Dr. Matthew Geck of the Texas Spine and Scoliosis in Austin, Texas.
Brinn was an active 13-year-old when she was diagnosed with scoliosis. Some of her favorite activities include running, dancing, playing tennis and spending time with family and friends.
Brinn’s family noticed some visible changes in her spinal curve. Her mom, Linn, took her to the doctor and X-rays revealed that Brinn’s spinal curve was at 46 degrees. The doctor suggested bracing to help slow down the progression of her curve. Brinn wore the brace, but at her next appointment, the curve had worsened to 51 degrees.
Linn knew it was important to seek out a scoliosis specialist and was referred to Dr. Matthew Geck, a dual pediatric and adult fellowship-trained scoliosis and spine surgeon at the Texas Spine and Scoliosis in Austin, TX. Click here to read more.
slight curve in his spine
became more noticeable in recent years. His mom, Becky scheduled an appointment with
an orthopedic physician and it was determinedthat he
had adolescent scoliosis and the doctor
prescribed conservative treatments to help
stop the progression of the curve. Christian
began wearing a back brace. Unfortunately, the
back brace didn’t stop Christian’s spinal
curve from progressing. By age 15, his spinal curve
was at 48 degrees and he was constantly
sore. The activities he loves, like playing
the guitar, were becoming more difficult.
Sleeping was a challenge because he was
unable to lay flat.
Becky began looking into scoliosis specialists. After doing some research on the web, she learned of Dr. Matthew Geck, a spine and scoliosis surgeon in Austin. Dr. Geck is fellowship-trained in pediatric and adult spine surgery. Click here to read more about Christian's story.
Marilyn was diagnosed with scoliosis as an adult. She had struggled with varying levels of pain symptoms for many years, including a dull, constant back ache. Her symptoms did not stop her from maintaining an active lifestyle though. “I love spending time with family, attending college football games, working in the yard and other outdoor activities,” Marilyn says.
It was in 2007 that Marilyn noticed her condition worsen considerably. She was taking anti-inflammatories on a consistent basis. Marilyn started having pain and burning in her groin. “It felt like a knife was digging and twisting into me, the pain was so sharp it almost brought me to my knees,” Marilyn reflects.
Click here to read how Marilyn learned of Dr. Matthew Geck at the Texas Spine and Scoliosis in Austin, Texas
Marcia was diagnosed with
scoliosis when she was
eight years old and it’s difficult for her to
remember life without it.She has always
been very resilient and scoliosis didn’t stop
her from being active and enjoying life.
Marcia loves playing the violin - so much so
that she teaches children how to play. Even
as her curvature worsened she still found
happiness in line dancing with her husband
and yoga for relaxation.
It was while she was teaching violin that she learned of Dr. Matthew Geck, a fellowship-trained scoliosis and spine surgeon in Austin. Click here to read Marcia's story.
Stacy began developing her spinal curve when she was eight years old. “My dad noticed that my back didn’t look normal when I was in the fourth grade” she recalls. “The nurse at my school checked me out and agreed that I probably had scoliosis." Stacy wore a back brace during high school to help improve the alignment of the spine and allow the spine to grow in a straighter fashion.
Unfortunately, the back brace didn’t stop progression of Stacy’s spinal curve. By age 22, her spinal curve was at 56 degrees and causing severe back pain. The symptoms were so bad that Stacy could not even sit in a recliner. Her husband, Derek, understood how important it was to find a spine physician that specialized in scoliosis and spinal disorders. He did research on the web and found a fellowship-trained scoliosis and spine surgeon named Dr. Matthew Geck. Stacy soon made an appointment to see Dr. Geck
Click here to read Stacy's story.
Texas Spine and Scoliosis is a regional referral center for the treatment of back and neck pain and scoliosis
Learn more about the providers at Texas Spine and Scoliosis, the only spine specialized neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, and non-surgical rehabilitation group in the central Texas area.
Texas Spine & Scoliosis approved for the new BRAIVE scoliosis tethering study
Read about various patient success stories that have been performed by the physicians at Ascension Texas Spine & Scoliosis