Learn more about the providers at Texas Spine and Scoliosis, the only spine specialized neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, and non-surgical rehabilitation group in the central Texas area.
The TRUE definition of quality is reduction of variation about the mean. As quality experts note, unless you have data, you have no business talking about quality. Texas Spine and Scoliosis, Austin — a multidisciplinary spine center with fellowship-trained spine specialists in physical therapy, physical medicine & rehabilitation, orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery — is one of the few spine centers in the nation tracking and publishing their clinical outcomes for back and neck pain and scoliosis.
Unlike most providers of back and neck pain, a regional spine center typically receives the most complex patients. At Texas Spine and Scoliosis, about one of every three patients coming in the front door has had previous back surgery at other clinics. Additionally, half of new patients coming into the spine center have red flag symptoms like numbness into a leg or arm, which are symptoms of a herniated disc, rather than simple acute back or neck muscle strain. This severity of new patients presents a challenge for a spine center. Still, the spine center emphasized non-surgical options first, holding surgery as the last resort.
The 2024 Clinical Non-Surgical Outcomes Report is based on the tracking of 474 patients who received non-surgical and surgical spine care at Texas Spine & Scoliosis.
The Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures Information System (PROMIS) used by Texas Spine & Scoliosis is a validated clinical outcome measurement system that was created by the National Institute of Health (NIH) in 2004. At Texas Spine & Scoliosis, 474 patients completed the PROMIS survey to determine their patient- reported outcomes with spinal injections, neck surgery, lumbar surgery and scoliosis surgery.
PATIENT SATISFACTION: 9 out of 10 patients at Texas Spine & Scoliosis would recommend the spine center to a friend.
NON-SURGICAL EMPHASIS: Unlike other surgeon-oriented spine centers, Texas Spine & Scoliosis is unique in that the spine center has a team of 4 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation specialists who emphasize non-surgical treatment options. Patients receiving pain-relieving spinal injections returned to their normal/desired activities about 2 days after their injection. Because of this non-surgical emphasis, only 17% ultimately needed surgery 90 days after !rst visit.
Of those patients receiving a CERVICAL FUSION SURGERY, 55% had a signi!cant improvement in function after surgery and 59% had a signi!cant reduction in pain symptoms.
Of those patients receiving a LUMBAR SURGERY, 76% had a signi!cant improvement in function after surgery and 82% had a signi!cant reduction in pain symptoms.
SCOLIOSIS/DEFORMITY CORRECTION: Texas Spine & Scoliosis has 2 fellowship-trained scoliosis surgeons: Dr. Matt Geck and Dr. Rory Mayer. Of those ADOLESCENT patients receiving a
SCOLIOSIS SURGERY, 40% had a signi!cant improvement in function after surgery and 100% had a signi!cant correction of their spinal deformity. Of those ADULT patients receiving a SCOLIOSIS SURGERY, 71% had a signi!cant improvement in function after surgery and 89% had a correction of their spinal deformity.
The 2021 Clinical Non-Surgical Outcomes Report is based on the tracking of 153 patients who received non-surgical spine care at Texas Spine & Scoliosis. The outcomes data is based on an outside outcomes measurement system called “Promis”. Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) is an NIH-funded initiative to develop and validate patient reported outcomes (PROs) for clinical research and practice.
The Surgical Clinical Outcomes track those patients who failed non-surgical treatment options and needed LOW BACK spine surgery to recover from their symptoms.
At 6 months after DECOMPRESSION SURGERY, 90% of patients reported significant percent improvement in their Oswestry Disability index scores.
At 6 months after MICRO-DISCECTOMY SURGERY, 75% of patients reported significant percent improvement in their Oswestry Disability index scores.
Click here to download the 2021 Outcomes pdf.
Click here to download the 2020 Back & Neck Outcomes pdf.
Click here to download the 2020 Scoliosis & Spinal Deformity Outcomes pdf.
Texas Spine and Scoliosis is a regional referral center for the treatment of back and neck pain and scoliosis
Learn more about the providers at Texas Spine and Scoliosis, the only spine specialized neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, and non-surgical rehabilitation group in the central Texas area.
Texas Spine & Scoliosis approved for the new BRAIVE scoliosis tethering study
Read about various patient success stories that have been performed by the physicians at Ascension Texas Spine & Scoliosis