Billing & Insurance
Our physicians, Dr. Geck, Dr. Stokes and Dr. Moroz, participate in most of the health plans in the area. Please check your provider manual if you are unsure about our participation. We also accept Medicare.
We will provide you with care that adheres to your insurance guidelines, however, we must have your help. It is impossible to keep track of all individual insurance plan requirements. We depend on you to know your coverage requirements. We will file your claims for you and assist you in obtaining maximum reimbursements, but ultimately, you are responsible for your bill.

For insurance plans that require referrals, you must bring these referrals at the time of visit. The required authorization must be received to avoid rescheduling of the appointment.
Please have your insurance card(s) with you at each visit. You are responsible for notifying us of any change in your coverage at EACH visit. Please advise the receptionist of any address or telephone number changes.
The insurance card must be provided to avoid treating you as a cash patient. Without an insurance card you will be responsible to pay for each visit as they occur.
Co-payments must be paid at time of visit in order to avoid rescheduling your appointment.
We do not accept third party liabilities. Payment will be required at the time of your visit.
Insurance is considered a method of assisting the patient with medical expenses and is not a substitute for payment. We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard and Discover for the co-payment or any amount not covered by your insurance.

Medicare and all major medical plans are accepted.
Medical Disclaimer:
Medical information within this site is not intended for use in the diagnosis or treatment of any health or physical condition. The Texas Spine and Scoliosis website does not provide specific medical advice and does not endorse any medical or professional service or services obtained through information provided on this site or any links to or from this site.
This information and advice published or made available through the Texas Spine and Scoliosis website is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. For the treatment or diagnosis of any medical condition, consultation with a licensed health care professional is strongly recommended.