Patient Success Stories

Spine Surgery | YESS Procedure | Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery | Adolescent Scoliosis | Adult Scoliosis

Back to yoga and dance after corrective scoliosis surgery

Marcia was diagnosed with scoliosis when she was eight years old and it’s difficult for her to remember life without it. She has always been very resilient and scoliosis didn’t stop her from being active and enjoying life. Marcia loves playing the violin - so much so that she teaches children how to play. Even as her curvature worsened she still found happiness in line dancing with her husband and yoga for relaxation.

It was while she was teaching violin that she learned of Dr. Matthew Geck, a fellowship-trained scoliosis and spine surgeon in Austin. A parent of one of her students told her about Dr. Geck. Marcia made an appointment and was impressed by his professionalism and calming manner. Even so, she wasn’t ready for the surgical option that would be necessary to correct her curvature.

texas patient success story scoliosis surgery back in actionSeveral years went by and Marcia’s condition continued to worsen, the back pain she was experiencing was becoming excruciating and everyday life was becoming increasingly difficult. She again visited Dr. Geck and he explained to Marcia that her scoliosis was worsening. She was suffering from severe collapsing spine syndrome with coronal decompensation and functional disability. Dr. Geck emphasized to Marcia that if she waited longer her scoliosis would continue to progress making the surgery more difficult as her symptoms would worsen.

With much thought and consideration, Marcia decided to move forward with the scoliosis surgery that would be necessary for her condition. Dr. Geck helped prepare Marcia and her husband for the surgery by describing the procedure and all of the necessary tests and precautions. Dr. Geck performed the combined anterior / posterior surgery needed to correct Marcia’s scoliosis. Both surgeries were successful.

It was important that she get back to walking and movement quickly. She remembers walking in her neighborhood with aid of a walker. “It was very difficult and I am so thankful that my husband was there to help me through my recovery,” Marcia remembers. She attended months of rehabilitative physical therapy, this was necessary to help her regain strength and range of motion.

Today, Marcia stands 2 inches taller and is able to sit flat in a chair, something that most people take for granted but was not possible for Marcia before surgery. She is able to perform more yoga stretches now than before and has nearly unlimited walking tolerance. She continues to teach the joys of violin to children. Marcia and her husband continue to be active line dancers at the local community center.

Click here or select the image above to download a PDF of Marcia's experience with Dr. Matthew Geck.


Who we Are

Texas Spine and Scoliosis is a regional referral center for the treatment of back and neck pain and scoliosis

Learn more about the providers at Texas Spine and Scoliosis, the only spine specialized neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, and non-surgical rehabilitation group in the central Texas area.

Texas Spine & Scoliosis approved for the new BRAIVE scoliosis tethering study

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